- director@eskolaintschool.com
It’s my pleasure and privilege to serve as the Director of Eskola International School not only because it’s my passion but also I enjoy the company of my dearly loved students and talented and zealous teachers who keep me energized all the time.
As you aware, the conventional definition of management is clearly defined as getting work done through people effectively, but real and contemporary management is focused as developing efficient people through work. In this point of view, one should remember an important aspect, the personal effectiveness which is matter of trait, but impact a small group of children is a matter of challenge.
In an International school system, small group dynamics and team management are a paramount of importance which has to be balanced and carried along from one level of education to the next. Meantime, the complexity of an International school operation has to be addressed with visionary leadership and managed with learned yearning.
I really feel proud on this occasion that our students have demonstrated excellent academic progress and achievement while at Eskola International School and have become grounded in the important qualities of self-discipline, integrity, adaptability, resilience, leadership and true compassion of others.
The future belongs to these children who are knowledgeable thinkers, versatile, communicators, open minded and risk takers. Guided by these virtues, I would excited to say that Eskola International School is a child centered International School and we run all our programmes, keeping in mind the potential of each child and a way to identify their inherent potential and then nurture it.
Besides, keeping in mind the limitations of traditional teaching practices, a focused, well educated, result oriented trained staff of Eskola International School will surely fill the gap between academic performance and value inculcation that are on top of the school’s agenda.
Moulding impressionable minds and guiding them to the greater heights and knowledge is challenging task and persistent process with a great amount of responsibility. We, as educators and managers of this task, our sincere effort will bear a fruit in the success of our students. We constantly evolve strategies and systems to gain their needs. The rich educational experience of our students will no doubt enable them to lead worthy lives of valuable achievements and accomplishments with the learning they have received from Eskola International School.
Parents, teachers, well-wishers and stake holders, as an International School,we have overcome barriers and made significant changes in the recent past and would want to move to a higher level in the coming years with your support, guidance and blessings. Join our hands to create a history…!
Mohan S.Subramaniam
B.Sc (Mathematics), B.Pharm, (India), M.Pharm (India), MBA (ICFAI), CIM(UK), Dip in Psychology (UK)
Eskola International School