Welcome to the
Eskola International School
We as Eskola International School
Strive Towards Personalization
We as Eskola International School
Strive Towards Coherency
We as Eskola International School
Strive Towards Professional Development
We as Eskola International School
Strive Towards Leadership
Welcome to the
Eskola International School
Welcome to The Eskola
Eskola International School has made its journey to retain a unique approach interms of assisting students with gaining a qualification on par with international requirements.
Having identified the demand for English medium international education, we have undertaken the responsibility of guiding the students to their progressive march towards the Edexcel syllabus and the National syllabus in English medium. We nurture and educate students under a truly religious atmosphere and environment by providing access to all religions without any discrimination.

I know that I have a cosmic energy.
I make ever attempt at all times to bring to the light.
I strive to make my future success.
I walk towards the fame and victory.
My utmost responsibility is to fulfill the complete education.
Which I can gain from Eskola
Promising myself and keeping alive my dreams,
I’ll definitely achieve my goal.
I will face all the obstacles fearlessly.
I do not have dilemma.
I have only the challenger.
Meet our Panel
Eskola International school has distinguished personalities to lead from the front to establish and maintain the standard of the education to great extent with their unique approach.
The Director Mohan S. Subramaniam has the experience of serving the International Business Field in Pharmaceuticals in the capacity of the International Country Head for South East Asia till 2016. He has been contributing himself towards the school in numerous ways throughout the history of Eskola.
The principal of Eskola International school Mrs. Kaushalya Mohan, is highly qualified with more than 25 years of teaching experience in government and private sector and served in many schools in similar capacity.
The entire school is well disciplined and dedicated towards education under her eminent leadership.
Further the school operates with two well qualified vice Principals sharing the responsibilities of academic excellence and administrative aspects.
Apart from the above, in order to ensure the quality of education at all grades , the appointed Sectional Heads are truly determining themselves to deliver their best to the school.
Mohan S Subramaniam
DirectorKaushalya Mohan
PrincipalSivaraji Sivaranjan
Vice Principal - AdministrationReviews of Parents and Past Pupils
Eskola International School is a very good school in guiding the students in all activities. Teachers are well qualified and training the students well. Students have well improved in their English knowledge. Whoever is studying here will have a bright future.
I attended Eskola International School nearly a decade ago and have only great things to say about my experience. The teachers are amazing and each child is treated with care. Eskola brings out the best in every child by tapping into their individual strengths, while creating an environment of kindness, responsibility and leadership.The administration is open minded and think outside the box to make Eskola a successful educational experience for the students. Eskola is committed to the whole child. They teach value lessons, communication and leadership skills. Patriotism is also present in their activities. Education at Eskola has been a very positive experience for our family.
Past pupil
I am Yesiah George Bastian, Director & Lecturer of ABS International English Language Centre and The General Secretary of Human Rights Organization of Sri Lanka. My kids Abisha Evangeline George Bastian Grade 6 (NAT) and Bishaiah Bathsheba George Bastian Grade 4 (NAT) have been studying since grade one at Eskola International School Kotehena, Colombo 13. Most of the students' education has become questionable today due to the pandamic sitatuion, but the management has organized many effective methods to impart the knowledge to the students in impactive way. I think from the bottom of my heart to all the respective teachers for your wonderful contribution. You all have done a great involvement to give vast knowledge of the subject with many innovative approaches and accurate techniques. My kids really have been enjoying the online class because the way all the teachers made comfortable zone to get the knowledge. I congratulate you to go ahead with this inspiring way of teaching and organizing different ways of leaning skills to bloom the students' life in order to be a grateful citizen who takes the name of Sri Lanka to the world. Thank you and May God bless you.
Mr. Yesiah George Bastin
I'm Rushanthini Nadarajah ,the mother of Ashvitha who is studying in grade 2. I'm Rushanthini Nadarajah ,the mother of Ashvitha who is studying in grade 2. I was worried about my child's academics at the beginning of the quarantine. But Eskola made things easy. Iam thankful for their support and contribution on educating thestudents through the online platform. They are much flexible on their payment methods too... As a mother I am really happy to say my heartfelt thanks to the school.
Rushanthini Nadarajah
Firstly, thankyou teachers and Madam Principal for all your support at this critical time, the teachers are so caring and are always ready to assist. Im really happy with the staff as they have always pushed my kids to be better. From the teachers to the students to the challenging curriculum, Eskola integrates compassion into their teaching standards, emphasizes the importance of values, and builds leaders through each of their classes and lessons. I am truly grateful for Eskola!
Akmar - Grade 8(Int)
A big thank you to all the teachers for all the timely updates and taking such good care of the children I've never worried about my son while he's under their care and guidance. I really admire the hard work of the principal, directors and all the teachers and staff members. You'll are doing a fab job. Your dedication, enthusiasm and insight are really inspiring. I wish you many years of great achievements. Eskola team- great school!
Asharib - Grade 7(Int)
Eskola International School helped me raise my children. The teachers are really good and dedicated professional caring and well organized. I will always be grateful to this wonderful school.
Mrs. Sapna Kalaikumar
අපෙ පාසල රටේ තිබෙන හොදම පාසල් අතරින් එකකි. උදැසන අපගේ දරුවන් පාසලට ඇතුල් වීම දී ගණ දෙවියන් ප්රතිමාවක් දැක ගත හැකිය. එයින් අපගෙ දරුවන්ගේ සිතට සැකසුමක් දැනෙ. අපෙ පාසල කුඩා ඉඩ ප්රමානයක තිබුණද අපගේ දරුවන්ට එයින් විශාල දැනුමක් ලබා දෙ. අපගේ දරුවන්ට උදැසන රැස්වීම සිදු කරන්නේ ද ගණදෙවි ප්රතිමාව ඉදිරිය. පන්තිකාමර හැරුණු විට අපට විද්යාගාරයක් හා පරිගණකාරයක්ද තිබේ. අපගේ පාසලේ විශේෂ නම් භාෂා ත්රිත්වයෙන්ම අධ්යාපන කටයුතු පැවැත්වීමයි. ඒ සඳහා අපගේ ගුරුවරුන් විශාල කැපකිරීමක් සිදු කරයි. අප පාසලේ විදුහල්පති තුමිය ද අප දරුවන්ගේ අධ්යාපන කටයුතු සඳහා විශාල සෙවයක් ඉටු කරනු ලබයි.අපගෙ පාසලේ පන්ති කාමර ලස්සන හා පිළිවෙලයි. හොඳ වාතාශ්රයක් සඳහා විශාල සහ පළල ජනේල ඇත. සියලුම පන්ති කාමර වල සුදු ලෑලි, සලකුණු පෑන්, දූවිලි අප සතුව ඇත. අපෙ පාසලේ ඇති හොඳම දේ නම් එහි නිර්මාණශීලි හා කැපවූ ගුරුවරුන් සිටීමයි. ඔවුන් අපගේ දරුවන් සැමටම ආදරෙයි. ඔවුන් අපගේ දරුවන්ට හොඳින් උගන්වන අතර අපගේ දරුවන්ට සැකයක් ඇති වූ විට උදව් කරති. ඔවුන් අපගේ දරුවන්ට ගණිතය, ඉංග්රීසි, ඊවීඑස් වැනි විෂයයන් උගන්වන අතර පාසලේ සෑම විටම ප්රීතිමත් හා විනෝදජනක පරිසරයක් පවත්වාගෙන යති. අප ඇත්තටම අපගේ පාසලට ගොඩක් ආදරෙයි
Ms. Anjalee
My daughter is studying for 10 years in this school. And this is the platform where she improved herself. This is the school where it makes our kids shine bright in studies and in all extra curricular work.
Shabdika - Grade 11(Int)
Eskola International School is one of the best "educational temple" for all students to create a better future to succeed in life. I'm the student of 2019 O/L batch! We had a pathetic situation during my O/Ls due to the terrific bomb blast occurred which disappointed us with our studies. But, our teachers motivated us and performed their best to give the maximum for us! I'm proud to thank my school for always motivating students to create a better future in life.
Past pupil
There are several good Educational options for Primary and Secondary students in Sri Lanka, but if you want your kids to be both well prepared for next phase of life with the courage, Eskola International is far and away the best option. This doesn't mean everything will go smoothly all of the time! Facing challengers is an important part of the middle and high school years. Buy this is a earning environment where kids have lots of opportunities to learn and grow and get to know themselves and others, guided by the teachers and administration that are committed to helping the student both navigate difficulties and celebrate accomplishments/ All my 4 kids attend Eskola International School. as parent, nearly 09 years we have noting but a positive experience with our kids. The school is very supportive, teachers were caring and the atmosphere was conducive to learning for my children. I loved the way that my kid's individual strengths were celebrated and affirmed. If you're looking for a nurturing environment that challengers your student to learn, grow and explore, this is the school for you!
Mrs. Barathy Premchanth
One of the best schools which provide quality education to students
Past pupil
Dear All, I am Krishanthani. My daughter Sheno prabashi is studying in grade 10 (Int) at Eskola international School, To address about our school, all our teachers are doing so much hard work for the students’ education. And it makes us happy to see our children learning well. I’m happy to tell that all the classes are going well and all the subjects’ teachers are covering up the syllabus at time. I hope this always goes well in our school. Thank you!
I am father of R. Ashwanthan. I would like to share few words about Eskola International School. The school is conducting very clear online classes to all the students as well. We should appreciate that because of this pandemic situation. Teachers take it on successfully, They are thinking only about the students' future in studies. They conducted many extra curricular activities as English day competitions, competitions, Navarathiri festival, concerts and etc.. The parents should realize this and should give our gratitude and respect. I can say more good things about the respectable Principal to keep doing this work conclusively. I say a huge thanks for all the staffs. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to tell something about the school. Yours, faithfully