Pre- Primary
- A child friendly curriculum with a spectacular array of illustrations and examples.
- Designed & Guided by A.M.I. panel of professionals.
- Interacting and exciting themes and activities that creates versatility among children.
- Innovative modules will ensure that Children learn to face the competitive world with confidence and courage
- Pool of AMI qualified teachers
- Kind and versatile teachers who are very fluent and eloquent.
- Guided and supervised by Head of Pre-Primary.
- In the National curriculum, all subjects are conducted in English medium.
- Junior Band –Western
- Western Music-Keyboard
- Special Modules for Learning English
- To nurture our children to be well conversant in English with proper rhythms and intonation.
- Helps to become an Independent reader.
- Modern colorful classrooms. Both National and International Curriculum.
- Well-equipped classrooms.
- Library
- Play area.
- Garden for physical activities
- TV Room